May 5, 2020
To GEO Group South Texas ICE Processing Center Management,
Frio County Commissioners Court often invites local organizations to attend our meetings to address matters of concern. As GEO Group’s South Texas ICE Processing Center in Pearsall is the focus of a COVID-19 outbreak, we have cause for concern.
On behalf of local elected officials and community leaders, I would like to formally extend an invitation to local GEO Group management to attend our next Commissioners Court Meeting. The purpose is to provide transparency and guidance to the Frio County community. For many of us, this could be a matter of life and death.
I have emailed you and published a list of questions to maximize your ability to be prepared for the most productive conversation possible.
Our meeting will be on Monday May 11 at 3pm. Please participate by web conference or dial-in. The link will be emailed to you by County Clerk Aaron Ibarra 20 minutes before the start of the meeting. The public is encouraged to view the proceedings online.
- How many employees work at the South Texas ICE Processing Center and how many of your employees live in Frio County limits?
- How many contractors are retained that make contact with detainees and/or employees at the South Texas ICE Processing Center? How many live in Frio County limits?
- Are you testing all employees/contractors? Will it be done on a recurring basis?
- How many employee tests are currently pending?
- Are you providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to employees?
- Have you made any recommendations to employees/contractors about visiting public places, such as restaurants for lunch, grocery stores, etc?
- Will you release Zip Code information for “associated cases?”
- Have any employees/contractors who reside outside of Frio County tested positive?
- What was the average daily population for the last complete reporting year?
- What is the revenue per bed per day inside GEO?
- May we have breakdown of the offense level of any crimes committed by the detainees in GEO? Do you have percentages?
- How often will the detainees be tested? Will it be done on a recurring basis?
- Has transport of detainees in and out of the facility been halted?
- How many detainee tests are currently pending?
- Are you providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to detainees?
- How many dorms are in the facility?
- How many detainees are currently quarantined?
- What protocols are in place and have they been adjusted in the past month?
- Will you be keeping track of recoveries and deaths? Will you publicly report them?
- Can you create a website with an accounting dashboard, so that the community may hear new reports more quickly and directly from the source?

Frio County Commissioner, Pct. 4

Frio County Commissioner Pct. 1

Mayor, City of Pearsall

Council, City of Pearsall

Mayor, City of Dilley

Council, City of Dilley

Council, City of Dilley

Council, City of Dilley

Candidate, Frio County Commissioner Pct. 3