The information in this post is current as of March 22, 2022
When eligibility refers to Area Median Income (AMI) or median income for the United States, the best available research shows:
Frio County Area Median Income: $51,100
United States Median Income: $79,900
Texas Homeowner Assistance Fund Program | Mortgage, Property Taxes, Insurance
The primary goal of this fund is to aid homeowners in avoiding foreclosure. Some of the necessary qualifications are:
・There must be a delinquent eligible expense
・There must be a Covid-19 related eligible financial hardship (loss of income or increase in expenses).
・Have a household income at or below 100% Area Median Income (AMI) or 100% of the median income for the United States, whichever is greater
Full details, requirements, and application are available at:
https://www.texashomeownerassistance.com/ or
Texas Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program | Mortgage
Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) is offering assistance through the Texas Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (TEMAP) for those having difficulty paying their mortgage payments.
They may pay up to 11 months of mortgage payments—six months in arrears and five future months.
You may qualify for mortgage assistance if:
• You live in one of the 12 Alamo Area rural counties.
• You have been impacted by COVID-19.
• You are at or below 80% Average Median Income (AMI).
• Your mortgage is in the first or second lien position.
• Where you reside is your primary residence.
Call them today at 866-231-4922 or email TEMAP@aacog.com to begin the intake process.
Tenant Based Rental Assistance | Rent
The Tenant Based Rental Assistance is not an emergency rent fund. Applications take six to eight months to process and require enrollment in Community Council of South Central Texas’ (CCSCT) self-sufficiency program.
To be eligible for TRBA, applicants are required to have an income less than or equal to 80% of the Area Median Family Income (AMFI), as defined by HUD. The AMFI document is a bit tougher to decipher.
Community Council of South Central Texas
Pearsall Office: 830-334-4800
Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program | Utility
The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) from Community Council of South Central Texas (CCSCT) combines education and financial assistance to help low-income consumers reduce their utility bills. Services include utility payment assistance for electric, natural gas and propane.
CCSCT assigns priority to households with the least amount of income and the greatest energy costs. Priority is also given to vulnerable individuals 60 years and over, persons with disabilities and families with children five years of age or under.
For more information and application:
Community Council of South Central Texas
Pearsall Office: 830-334-4800